How To Get Into Trouble BY Tres Abuelas y Una Mama
FREE SHIPPING TILL 4/20/24 WITH CODE: TROUBLE24 How To Get Into Trouble is an inventive and moving poetry collection by the collaborative group Tres Abuelas y Una Mama (Carolina Hospital, Nicole Hospital-Medina, Holly Iglesias, and Maureen Seaton). This is the second collection by these nationally recognized and diverse group of poets These collaborative and solo poems use playful and thoughtful artistry to delve into themes as diverse as time, infallibility, motherhood, democracy, and love. The book demonstrates once again the strength and creativity that can emerge from a shared spirit.
HOW TO GET INTO TROUBLE will delight you in every possible wicked (and sacred) way! Tres Abuelas y Una Mamá weave their poetry magic, collaborating on poems so sly you’ll never be sure which mamá wrote which (witch?) line. Now that you’ve had your cake and eaten it too, surrender to the wiles of your foolhardy heart and go wherever she wants to go. When the poets go solo (each poem is identified by initials) you still feel the influence of the other mamás. This is a gem of a chapbook with great advice— Call upon a fairy who is yourself. You’ll find yourself reading and chuckling then wanting to write poems, too, to join in the mischievous fun.”

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Shout what you think. Act what you feel.
Raise the uniform hem above the ruler’s rule, or wear short shorts, then tie your blouse above the waist, so your belly button shows.
Talk politics. Some will call you communist, the others fascist.
Take an Adderall. Write a twenty-two-page essay on Ezra Pound. Submit it to your professor without citing his book on Ezra Pound.
Be bipolar in the moonlight. Forget to howl. Go on the hunt alone. Rogue wolf awakens.
Do not make any decisions. Slide up the bumpy slide, against the current of everyone. How annoying.
Watch what you say, or they’ll be calling you a radical, liberal, fanatical, criminal. —Roger Hodgson, 1978
Depending on the type of trouble you plan to get into, drive down the street naked.
Speaking of getting into trouble in cars, drive into a lake.
Leave your room. Leave your house. Leave your neighborhood, your town, your country, your continent, your hemisphere, your people, your language, your music, your food.
Desire cake, the whole Platonic ideal of cake. Want it so bad that your mind becomes a hive of hunger and your body a ravenous mass of desire.
Now that you’ve had your cake and eaten it too, surrender to the wiles of your foolhardy heart and go wherever she wants to go.
First, examine the contours of this troublesome box you find yourself in. Consider how it holds you, how it molds you. Imagine the consequences of assuming a new shape.
Sleep at your friend Maryann’s house until the trouble blows
over at yours.
Try crying, although historically this is a dead end as well
as humiliating.
Fill a suitcase with your essentials to sneak out of the house. Pack up quickly, water, your passport, your kids. Take the subway, the train, the plane, or just walk until you can’t see back.
Lie. (Lie until the turbulence passes and then confess behind closed doors, where no one who cares can hear you.)
Go sleep in the nearby forest for a while before you head back
in the dark.
Not so fast. There is much to learn here in trouble. Don’t be in such a hurry to get out.
The escape hatch will eventually reveal itself. It’s a tight squeeze, but you are patient, determined. Plus, you already know how to make yourself small.
Clean up well, no one will suspect you.
Or avoid getting into trouble in the first place.