Miss Lost Nation by Bethany Schultz Hurst
Only Blue Body by Rosalynde Vas Dias
Horses in the Cathedral by Kimberly Burwick
One Island by Gretchen Steele Pratt
The Real Warnings by Rhett Iseman Trull
Man Under a Pear Tree by Keith Ratzlaff
Uh Oh Time by Kenneth Hart
All you have to do is ask by Meredith Walters
Blood Almanac by Sandy Longhorn
Ornithologies by Joshua Poteat
Orchidelirium by Deborah Landau
Inventory at the All-night Drugstore by Erika Meitner
Singular Bodies by Ruth Schwartz
Notations on the Visible World by Kathleen Wakefield
Practicing for Heaven by Julia B. Levine
Conversations During Sleep by Michele Wolf
Easter Vigil by Ann Neelon
sold out
Mass for the Grace of a Happy Death by Frank X. Gaspar
Physicist at the Mall by Janet Holmes
Hat Dancer Blue by Earl S. Braggs
Shipbreaking by Robin Beth Schaer
Willy Loman’s Reckless Daughter or Living Truthfully Under Imaginary Circumstances
To Whitey and the Crackerjack by Hauntie
Of Water and Other Soft Constructions by Heidi Reszies
Arsonist by Joaquín Zihuatanejo
Index for September 11th by Caronae Howell
Tragic City by Clemonce Heard
Teaching the Baby to Say I Love You