North of Wakulla edited by Donna Decker and Mary Jane Ryals
These poems are definitely of a place. In keeping with Anhinga's long-standing goal of promoting the poetry written in Tallahassee while publishing the best poetry available from all sources, most of these poems are by Tallahassee poets and poets who have at some time lived in Tallahassee. As a result, the language and subjects are often those one would expect from our peculiar mix of pragmatic lifetime residents, cynical politicos, and idealistic transplants; of yuppies, rednecks, academicians, literati; of Yankees come south, Cubans come north, and homegrown North Floridians come full circle. Indeed, one expects, and gets, Florida with a Southern accent. -- Donald Caswell
Abandoned House
by Rosemary Bensko
Cold rain. Rolled up rugs
in high grass. No trespass.
Rusty stains. Parts of cars.
Open door, one hinge on.
Extreme slant. Floor swell.
Walk diagonal. Don't fall.
Glass angles everywhere. Windows
abstract on the floor.
Slanted wood abstracts the air.
Shifted air abstracts thoughts.
This is where
Ron showed me I could stay.
Ron who insults those
he can. Drinks too much.
Wants me at this house
with him.
Cold night
sleeping in the loft.
Rolled up like a hedgehog
in my skirt. No blankets here.
Ron's whiskey bottles
by my head. No foundation
for the skewed desire
that he be here.