Analog Glitch by Lova Delis
Visual poet and alchemist, Lova Delis embodies the powerful generations of the glitch in her work. Flux and fluctuations in collage, and textual media envelop the eye in movement. This breakdown of binaries opens a space in-between for building worlds. Lova’s work can be found in publications such as Glitchy Womyn and WAVe Global Anthology of Women’s Asemic Writing and Visual Poetry, and her work has been exhibited across the US. She often creates a series that focuses on a new motif each time. In her riveting “Analog Glitch” series, she juxtaposes images of harshness like war, ads, destruction, with images of softness and sensuality. The landscape softens into alternative modes of synthesis. We are encoded in a flow. In the fissures of this flickering interface, new possibilities form.— Lara Schaberg