The Grace to Leave by Lola Haskins
Van K. Brock Florida Poetry Series (2012)
Haskins... understands Lorca's idea of duende, a passionate spirit, and evokes it naturally in her work. -- Booklist
She is certainly one of the few original voices among American poets. She takes big risks, and her poetry penetrates straight to the marrow of the bone. -- Midwest Quarterly
One longs to know this poet, to share her wise communion with whatever is alive, in all its manifestations. -- Alsop Review
She knows we are rooted to the earth but long for stars. And she's wise enough to know that love searches us out. -- Northwest Arkansas Times
She writes with the startling freedom and grace of a kite flying, and with the variety and assurance of invention that reveal, in image after image, the dream behind the waking world. -- W.S. Merwin
No American poet of her generation creates more brilliant images or more compelling voices. -- Susan Ludvigson
Lola Haskins' range is broad; her perceptions are always surprising. Natural objects surpass themselves... in this lively, adventuresome collection. -- Maxine Kumin
When poetry catches you by the throat and will not let you go, you know it is good. Lola Haskins' poems are captivating. -- Richard Eberhart
The Sandhill Cranes
The blue air fills with cries.
The cranes are streams, rivers.
They danced on the night prairie,
leapt at each other, quivering.
The long bones of sandhill cranes
know their next pond. Not us.
When something is too beautiful,
we do not have the grace to leave.